WBAF - FDI Scheme: World-Class Investment
As an affiliated partner of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI), the World Business Angels Investment Forum aims to empower the world economy by connecting startup economies with the main players of the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) ecosystem. The ultimate goal is to pave the way for world-class investments by engaging economic development boards, regional development agencies, investment promotion agencies, chambers of commerce and industry, business councils, government ministries, and economic development departments of municipalities, which will contribute to the creation of jobs, social justice and wealth for local economies.
Global Foreign Direct Investment Stage (GFDI)
WBAF holds that, with the participation of individuals in multiple sectors and from all parts of society, real progress can be achieved. One way WBAF encourages cooperation at both individual and institutional levels is to promote and support engagement with the global FDI ecosystem. The mechanism is WBAF’s Global Foreign Direct Investment Stage (GFDI), to be held annually at its World Congress.
Invest in This Country
The Global Foreign Direct Investment Stage (GFDI) is a global convergence of various entities ranging from economic development board leaders to investment promotion agency executives, all of whom come to share with global investors the unique opportunities in their respective countries. The GFDI is tasked with identifying emerging trends and furthering the Forum’s mission of easing access to finance for projects that have high potential for delivering a good return on investment.
New opportunities for the FDI ecosystem
The financing of emerging high-growth-potential businesses through angel investment and investments from VCs and CVCs are at record levels, despite negative global FDI trends.
WBAF believes that, by combining regular contributions from the numerous dynamic players of early and post-early stage equity and capital markets around the world, we all benefit from shared learning, better networks and increased exposure.
We therefore invite all players of the FDI ecosystem to discover opportunities in equity and capital markets, the startup economy, and innovation ecosystems. We encourage corporations and individuals to make cross-border investments and co-investments that will leverage the capacity of FDI and angel investments globally.
WBAF World Congress 2020
Global Foreign Direct Investment Stage (GFDI): Invest in This Country
17 & 18 February 2020- Swissotel The Bosphorus Istanbul
By working together across borders, with a common vision, and with these smart dynamics in mind, we are well placed to bring about positive change in the global economy
Join the World Leaders Programme, Apply for the Global Fundraising Stage, Become an investor of the WBAF Angel Investment Fund, Learn more about WBAF Business School Programmes, Request mentoring, Become an accredited mentor, Become a WBAF Speaker, Become faculty member of the WBAF Business School, Become a WBAF Institutional Member